We use photocells a lot in lighting control, and I've harped on extensively on this site about how good they are. Then, a random conversation with someone regarding robots led me to start thinking...
Posts by Dave Nicholas
When I Use Photocells to Control Outdoor Lights (and Also When I Don’t!)
Photocells are the traditional workhorse of lighting control. The technology has been around for ages (invented all the way back in 1883) which gives them the robustness needed to work outdoors over...
I'm all for automating lighting controls. They save fumbling around in the dark for an elusive switch and also prevent lights being left on wasting energy and money. That being said, motion sensor...
Breaking Through Barriers: How Microwave Sensors Penetrate Walls, Glass, and Metal
Before we begin, I need to get a mini rant off my chest. I have spent countless hours trying to get microwave sensors set up correctly, trying to balance the need to activate on presence with not...
As an electrician, I have installed hundreds of photocells and whilst the technology may be a little old school now there is still a lot of merit in using them. They are a robust, cost-effective way...
I've installed hundreds of microwave motion sensors in my time as an electrician, and this post is as much for my benefit as for readers. To satisfy my own curiosity, I wanted to dive a little deeper...